phishing attacks (2)

Three of the World’s Most Expensive Phishing Attacks and How You Can Prevent Them

A number of high-profile cyber-attacks in 2021 have thrust cybersecurity back into the spotlight. In light of the HAFNIUM hack, cybersecurity has become a major focus for many businesses. Although the hack itself was not the result of human error, it...

Media Admin · 11 months ago · 7

Dangerous Cyber Threats & Necessary Security Measures in Digital Marketing

The era of digital marketing has emerged as a potent force. Businesses across the globe leverage the power of the internet to reach audiences, foster engagement, and drive growth. However, this digital landscape isn't without its challenges. As the digital marketing ecosystem expands, so do the dangers posed by cyber threats.  From data breac...

GoDMARC Global · 24 August 2023 · 3